Synopsis: Sela picks up a few years after the events of Redheart. Vorham Riddess, Venur of Esra Province, covets the crystal ore buried deep in Leland's mountains, and his latest device to obtain it is by marriage to a Leland maiden.
Among Dragonkind, old threats haunt Mount Gore, and shadows loom in the thoughts of the Red who restored life to land and love. A dragon hunter, scarred from countless battles, discovers he can yet suffer more wounds.
In the midst of it all, Sela Redheart is lost, driven from her home with only her old uncle to watch over her. As the dragon-born child of Kallon, the leader of Leland's Dragon Council, she is trapped in human form with no understanding of how she transformed, or how to turn back.
In a world where magic is born of feeling, where the love between a girl and a dragon was once transformative, what power dwells in the heart of young Sela?
My Thoughts: Sela was a very fast moving and enjoyable fantasy. It is the second book in the Leland Dragon series that began with Redheart. I think that it has moved to one of my top ten favorite books of all time. I love fantasy and I love engaging, intelligent, strong women in fantasy and just like in Redheart, Sela did not disappoint.
Something that struck me in Jackie Gamber's first book and holds true in the second her writing style makes the fantasy fun and engaging. Many times fantasy is all about the set up with her it is the pay off. She makes characters that are easy to see, feel and like. Jackie Gamber has the uncanny ability to make twists and turns in a story that keeps you turning page after page. She is a true storyteller. Some people just write books and some tell tales and she is the latter. I really believe she loves her characters and feels excited to be the one telling their stories.
Another element I love was that never in a book has a first kiss moved me so much. Sweet moving romantic. Perfection. Sela a sweet young girl so confused and lost but able to find hope and love.
This book had action, adventure, dragon hunts, love and real relationships. The interaction between Sela and her parents was so true of a rebellious teenager and parents that are just trying to figure it all out.
I enjoyed seeing many of the Characters introduced in Redheart continue in this book and the new characters just added to the story. Bannon and Leesa are amongst a couple of my new favorites and I love how she continued Jastin's story. Jastin may be a dragon slayer but he is one I feel such sympathy for.
Be sure to read Redheart the first in the Leland dragons series. While Sela is truly it's own story Redheart is the story of where Sela comes from. And it also is a great fantasy story. I am stickler for reading books in order and was glad that I had read Redheart first.
Sela will be released in softcover and eBook versions during the first week of April, following the launch party at MidSouthCon in Memphis, TN during the March 24-26 weekend. Continuing the Seventh Star Press tradition of releasing collectible, limited edition hardcovers, Sela is now available for pre-order in a beautiful hardcover edition that is strictly limited to 75 copies.
The limited hardcover edition is signed and numbered by Jackie Gamber, and includes a bonus illustration from Matthew Perry not included in other editions. It will be accompanied by an assortment of collectibles, including a set of glossy art cards, bookmarks, and magnets. The limited edition hardcovers will also be bundled with the eBook version, with buyers able to choose an ePub, Kindle, or Nook version. Those interested in securing one of the 75 limited hardcovers can place a pre-order at:
The Soft Cover editions can be pre-ordered as well and that will also be signed.
I have enjoyed several books by this publisher and with each order you always get very cools extras, like art cards, bookmarks and magnets.
More Information can be found at the publishers website.
Seventh Star Press
Jackie Gamber can be found on
Facebook and at her website.
Jackie Gamber or
Twitter. Jackie is a delightful to talk to and does this amazing thing called book tasting.
As I said it this book as moved into my top ten. I loved it. I give this one a 5 out of 5. I look forward to more adventures in Leland.
I was truly fortunate to be able to receive an early copy of this. I received a copy from the publisher and was in no way compensated for my review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.