Before You Go Blog Tour

Join HOLLOW TOURS for Before You Go By: Ella James! Feb12-18th!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

On The Bright Side by S.R. Johannes Review On the Bright Side is a hilarious road to guardian angeldom paved with so much drama and due-paying that it makes middle school look painless. As if the devil’s food cake at her wake and the white fat pants she’s stuck wearing for eternity weren’t bad enough, fourteen year-old Gabby is quick to discover that...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Creature Kid Book Tour

click for tour page Product DescriptionWhy do the movies always portray mutants as having some kind of glorious plight? If a kid got bit by a radioactive spider he’d probably puke webs right before he died. Men that can walk through bullets and fly don’t dress in tights and pretend to be newspaper reporters. And there are no special flashlights...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Diary in The Attic - Reviewed By: Crystal Trent Dotson

By: Cindy L. Freeman Reviewed By: Crystal Trent Dotson Margaret Monroe is called to Corrine Meltons death bed, where she learns of a shocking secret, and when Corrines mother is found dead the same night, the police suspect Corrine. Now Margaret has to try and get into the house to unravel the secrets that went on behind closed doors. Four Star...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ethereal (Celestra Series Book 1) by Addison Moore

I got a Kindle for my birthday, in the heat of summer, when I also happened to be seven and a half months pregnant. It was the original Kindle, and I loved how light it was; I could lie on my side and hold it with one hand. Knowing nothing about Kindle and not being very tech savvy, I started working my way through various Amazon lists--mainly teen and "children's." Addison Moore's Celestra series was on its second or third book I think. I had no idea who she was, but Ethereal appeared on several lists and sounded interesting, and for .99 it was...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Free YA romance ebook

Hi guys! I'm Ella James, one of the new owners of the site. I couldn't resist pimping one of my books - Before You Go - a YA romance that's free today and tomorrow on Kindle! If you don't have Kindle but have another e-reader or would be interested in reading via Amazon's "Cloud Reader" (in your browser window), e-mail me and I'll hook you up. Here's a summary: Margo Ford just became an heiress. Not the Paris Hilton kind. Her billions came after her father died and her insanely wealthy, insanely absent mother officially claimed her. Unfortunately,...

Friday, February 3, 2012


Guest post of the week by Deangelo Spencer I have been having so much fun with my Clearwirelessinternet, getting on They have a really cool software program that you can join for free. You can take your picture and upload it. You can try on a number of different celebrity hairstyles to see what you would look like if you were to change your hair cut and style. If you find a style that you really like, you can also change the color of the hair to find a color that suits your skin tone best. The other cool thing is that you can...

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