Before You Go Blog Tour

Join HOLLOW TOURS for Before You Go By: Ella James! Feb12-18th!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Angelkiller by H.David Blalock

Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Seventh Star Press, LLC (November 28, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0983740232 ISBN-13: 978-0983740230 Synopsis:   Why do bad things happen to good people? Simple. In the ancient war between the Angels of Light and Darkness, the Dark won. Now it is the job of an undercover force simply known as The...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Overkill by Steven L. Shrewsbury Blog Tour

I am so excited about being a part of the Overkill blog tour. I have read Thrall which was an excellent read and was more then excited about being able to read and review Overkill. Synopsis: Deliverance will come…A great flood once wiped clean the earth, destroying everything upon it. Before the deluge, in a time now forgotten, the world...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Opal Moon ~ Review by Tori Peterson

I am fascinated with anything historical in time. Whether it is from the U.S. or another country, I just crave to learn more about the historical way of life, customs, etc. That is one of the reasons I was drawn to this book aside from the mysterious woman on the cover. It promised a great love story, suspense, and the chance to learn of historical...

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