Before You Go Blog Tour

Join HOLLOW TOURS for Before You Go By: Ella James! Feb12-18th!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Special Trilogy Blog Tour: Jackie Gamber’s Leland Dragon Series H. David Blalock’s Angelkiller Triad

I am so happy to be apart of this tour. I am fortunate to have read both of these trilogies and I highly recommend them both.  These are both amazing authors and both are on my must read list. So welcome Jackie to the blog on insights on writing a series. I love trilogies and series. It gives me more of a chance to get to know the characters...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Virtual Tour Author: Bob Freeman Featured Book: Shadows Over Somerset

Virtual Tour Author: Bob Freeman Featured Book: Shadows Over Somerset About Bob Freeman: Bob Freeman doesn’t just write and draw occult detectives, he’s also a card carrying paranormal adventurer who founded Nightstalkers of Indiana in 1983. A lifelong student of witchcraft, magic, and religion, Bob’s studies are reflected in his art,...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Crymsyn Hart: Death’s Dance Guest Post

I am please to welcome Crymsyn Hart as a guest today. She takes the time to talk about writing and her process. Welcome welcome.  The Process In a little over a month, I’m heading to a new writer’s convention in Louisville, KY called Imaginarium. Because I’m preparing to go I’ve had to order stock so I can (hopefully) sell my books....

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blue Lights In A Jar by Brick Marlin

I had the pleasure of seeing Brick Marlin on some panels at Fandom Fest and this lead me to want to read his work. I am very lucky to be apart of another convention in Louisville, KY called Imaginarium that Brick will also be attending and I wanted to take the time to spotlight an author we are so lucky to have at Imaginarium. The first...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

RJ Sullivan: Haunting Blue Blog Tour

RJ Sullivan: Haunting Blue Blog Tour About RJ Sullivan:  Haunting Blue is the first book of the adventures of punk girl Fiona “Blue” Shaefer. This is the 2014 revised edition by Seventh Star Press. Seventh Star also released Haunting Obsession, a Rebecca Burton Novella, and Virtual Blue, the second book in Fiona’s tale. R.J.’s short stories...

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