Two awesome authors have some new releases to share with everyone. I am so lucky to have Stephen Zimmer on my blog today to celebrate their releases. Stephen Zimmer has done a reader initiated interview for my blog today. All questions are from readers and friends from all around. I even threw a few questions in there cause I was curious. As always Mr. Zimmer gives some awesome answers. Thank you so much for being on my blog today. And on to the interview......
What are your
favorite TV shows? Song? Movie?
My favorite TV shows?
That’s a tough one, as I have liked many over the years. Growing up I loved everything from Fantasy
Island to Dukes of Hazard, and then a little later, Family Ties. I love series like Game of Thrones, the
Borgias, and The Following, but I’ll give the highest nod to the Spartacus
series from Starz, as that was a great tribute to some truly courageous and
noble people from our own history.
My favorite song is even harder to chooose, as there are so
many hard rock, metal, and other types of songs that I love dearly. For my heart’s sake, I’ll choose “Eye of the
Tiger” by Survivor, as there is a special meaning and day in my life that
surrounds that song. It brings back
better times and better days for sure.
As far as movie, that’s an easy one, LOL. Lord of the Rings trilogy tops the list,
taking up three co-equal slots in the number 1 position. :)
What do you do to
unwind and relax? – Christian
Anymore, I just fall into a trance and stare blankly into
space, LOL. Seriously, I love listening
to music or watching a movie for my main forms of relaxation, as these days I
barely have enough energy left at the end of a workday to do that! haha
At what point in your
life did you realize you wanted to be a writer? – Robin B.
I got serious about it just at the transition point between
high school and college. That was when I
felt I should get more serious and make an effort to craft some novels. My earliest attempt at a series is “in the
vault” as they say. I think the ideas
are good but it was definitely my learning experience! LOL
How did you start
your writing career?
More or less it started when I got serious just after high
school, though it took until 2009 until I had a book published. The act of starting a writing career is
really quite straightforward, I just began to write on a consistent basis with
a clear focus! :)
What would you
consider to be the best book you have ever read? - Gene
Without question, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, seeing it
as one body of work. I give it the
slightest edge over the Chronicles of Narnia simply because this was my first
introduction to the magic of speculative fiction.
Describe what it’s
like to be an author in three words. – Sue
Sheer chaotic madness! :)
If money was not
object and you could fly anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming
book, where would you most likely want to go? – Robin B.
What a good question!
Are you going to sponsor a trip for me?
How nice! LOL Seriously, I would
give the nod to Germany, as I’ve been to Ireland, covering a major part of my
heritage, and would love to visit the other major part of my
ancestry/heritage. There are other sites
that come up close behind, including Japan, Norway, Iceland, and Russia. Maybe Australia too? Now you have me thinking! LOL
If you could exchange
lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose
and why? – Mary B.
I would choose The Wanderer, as the Wanderer is still active
in the world we live in, but holds certainties about existence, and the greater
order of things in a way that would provide some comfort and peace of
mind. He is one who encourages and
helps, but also has a strong connection to the things that transcend the world.
When will he publish
his bizarro book? - Jessica L.
I’m writing a bizarro book?
What a rumor! I wonder where this
started. How scandalous! I will have to find out more about this
claim. ;)
What would he do if
he wasn't a writer? - Jessica L.
I’ve thought about this as well, and I probably would have
just been fully immersed into filmmaking, or perhaps gotten more serious about
music. I love creativity, and there’s no way in the world I could ever be happy
in the same routine day to day.
If he could be a
superhero which would he be? - Jessica L.
I’m not much on superheroes, as I love it most when people
of modest abilities do extraordinary things.
But if pressed I’d have to tilt towards Thor. He’s the one superhero that connects to my
medieval nature! LOL
What superpower does
he wish he had? - Jessica L.
The power of
flight. I fly often in my dreams, but it
would be incredible to experience it in this state of existence.
Which non SSP author
should we be on the lookout for? - Jessica L.
There are so many who I have a great deal of respect for,
but so I don’t just avoid this question, I have three to mention in particular!
Mystery author Steve Demaree. The guy is prolific, determined, and
dedicated to his craft! I always root
for this sort of individual! He’s an
excellent writer with a nice body of work, and he represents it very well. He recently got his work onto the Kindle and
he’s been enjoying a surge of success as of late. Won’t be long until he’s a household name all
over the genre.
Georgia L. Jones, who writes in urban fantasy and has
characters that really come to life. You
can tell that Georgia puts her heart into her work in her Remnants of Life
series, which now stands at two books.
Look for great things to come from her in the future.
Ren Garcia, a very intriguing fellow who has a fascinating
storyline in his League of Elder series.
Ren is the man bringing seals to the mainstream of speculative fiction!
LOL All kidding aside, Ren is extremely
talented and one of the best guys you could meet out there. In regards to his career, I say with a shout,
If he could never
have Monster what would be the next best thing? – Jessica L.
A world without
Monster Energy is far too grim to even comprehend. Now THAT is dystopian to the extreme. I shudder to even think of the
possibility! So, I sadly must declare
that there is no next best thing. All would be in ruin. Truly apocalyptic. LOL
Do you have a
favorite quote or saying? Michelle B.
I do have a favorite quote that I often think of in the
arduous world I’ve gotten myself into as an author.
“My center is giving
way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack.” – Marshal
Ferdinand Foche, a French general in World War I.
I love this quote because it reflects absolute
determination, of the kind that no matter the odds, or how things look, presses
forward. Many of my greatest historical
inspirations have been against insurmountable odds and acquitted themselves
with honor and courage, like Spartacus, Queen Boudicca, and Vercingetorix. These are among the true heroes in
How much wood could a
demon possessed woodchuck chuck? ... Scott S.
Quite a lot. Though it might make for a pulpy type
material, in which case we might be able to make a form of paper that would be
very suitable for a limited edition hardcover of a horror title! LOL
Who should play you
in a film of your life? – James H.
Oh, definitely Gerard Butler, LOL! If I can’t get Gerard Butler, maybe Groucho
Marx! Either would convey the kinds of
thoughts I have as I go through life very well.
Who is your favorite
author? – John
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis I hold as co-equals for the
favorite author slot!
I have heard many
authors use beta readers do you use them? – Sandra
I do, and plan on widening this circle in the future. A
good beta reader, like a good editor, helps save you from yourself! LOL
What books have most
influenced your life? – Andrew B.
Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia books, for
getting me on the path to fantasy and speculative fiction. The Bible, without question, which has been
as inspiring as it has been frustrating at times, but always points in a
direction that asks the best of me.
Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand, a brave and unapologetic work that
demonstrates the value, beauty, and moral solidity of the self-sovereign, free
individual (just as much as it shows how oppressive, vile, and corrupted
collectivism is). I realize that it is a
book very much at odds with the world of today and one that sometimes provokes
a knee-jerk type of reaction, but if a person approaches it in an unbiased
fashion, it makes tremendous sense and a compelling case for self-determination.
What was one of the
most surprising things you learned while writing your books? Andrew B.
How many new doors open and characters bloom during the
creation of a story. I always have the
core direction in mind, but it is amazing how many things rise up along the way
as you create a body of work. I look
forward to those occurrences in all of my projects now.
What do you think
makes a good story? - Peter M.
For me, it is people without “superpowers” or overwhelming
natural attributes who rise up when a moment of decision arrives and do the honorable
and right thing. Especially having the
kind of courage to stand when the odds seem impossible to overcome. Those make for the best stories in my
Do you listen to music while writing? If so
what? Nicole T.
Oh yes, it is one of the things that I do regularly in my
writing space that helps me snap into writing-mode right away. I listen to quite a bit of hard rock and
metal, and it forms a nice barrier against outside noises in addition to
keeping a good energy going. Symphonic
and progressive hard rock and metal can be quite epic and suited well for the
kind of work I do as well!
As a child, what did
you want to be when you grew up? – Barbara
When I was a child, I had a huge love of dinosaurs and
wanted to be a paleontologist! From 4th
to sixth grade I actually won first place at the state science fair back to
back to back for geology/paleontology projects.
Tell us about your
favorite restaurant. (:)) Robin B.
Pete’s Wok, a magical place of wonder and contentment. It is run by a wizard who never ages, who
protects and takes care of all who shelter there. It is a place of laughter, smiles, and
sunshine, and some really, really good Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese Cuisine.
In fact, the original Pete’s Wok served as an inspiration
for Lee’s restaurant in the Fires in Eden Series, in Crown of Vengeance. Further, Lee’s character is very inspired by
the great Pete himself. I think the
world of Pete and his restaurant rising up once again this year is one of the
few rays of light in what has been a very rough time for me.
About Stephen Zimmer:
Stephen Zimmer is an award-winning author of speculative fiction, whose works
include the Fires in Eden Series (Epic Fantasy), the Rising Dawn Saga
(epic-scale Urban Fantasy), the Harvey and Solomon tales (Steampunk), the
Hellscapes tales (Horror), and the Rayden Valkyrie tales (Sword and
He is also a writer-director in moviemaking, with feature
and short film credits such as Shadows Light, The Sirens, and Swordbearer.
Stephen Zimmer

Author Links:

Blood and Steel:
Legends of La Gaul, Volume 1 Book Synopsis: Journey into the dangerous and
exciting world of Gorias La Gaul in this collection of short stories from
highly-acclaimed author Steven Shrewsbury! Volume One includes the tales “Day
of Iniquity”, “Ashes of the All-Father”, “Author and Finisher of Our Flesh”,
“Insurmountable”, and “Beginning of the Trail” (a prequel story leading into
the events found in the novel Overkill).
Fans of authors such as Robert E. Howard are sure to love
the adventures of Gorias La Gaul, as he battles all manner of adversaries
wielding two blades fashioned from the wings of angels!
Blood and Steel: Legends of La Gaul is Sword and Sorcery as
the genre was intended to be!
Hellscapes, Volume 1:
Book Synopsis: Journey into realms of darkness and explore the regions
where angels fear to tread! Welcome to the Hellscapes, featuring tales of the
infernal in settings where the horror never ends and the inhabitants experience
the ultimate nightmare.
In “Blood Dreams” follow the tale of a woman who knew great
political authority and influence in life, as she discovers the reward awaiting
her in the next world.
“The Grove” welcomes a new arrival, a wealthy man who is
looking forward to a weekend of indulging in lust and libation, as he has for
many years in this secluded convocation for the elite. Something is different
this time, though, and he soon finds that his visit will be taking a very
different turn.
In “The Smallest Fish”, the story is told of a ruthless
business mogul who finds himself in an abandoned, ruined version of the city he
knew well, in life. This city won’t be remaining vacant for long.
“Drowning in Tears” tells the story of a young man’s
obsession for a suicidal girlfriend that leads him on a path of
severe transformation.
The final tale of Volume 1, “Lords of War”, follows the
story of a man who wielded military power on a worldwide scale as a Secretary
of Defense, who now learns the deeper nature of war and what kinds of
monstrosities it breeds.
Hellscapes, Volume 1 is the first release in an exciting new
themed horror collection from Stephen Zimmer, the author of the Rising Dawn
Saga and Fires in Eden Series.

“Into Glory Ride” tells the story of a young Trogen Warrior
who is called to go up against insurmountable odds when an Elven raid strikes
his homeland. The Trogens have only begun training winged steeds for combat,
but time is of the essence and a momentous choice has to be made by the young
In “A Touch of Serenity” a conscript laborer working on a
massive wall constructed under the orders of the Divine Emperor begins to hear
ghostly voices asking for help. His response leads him on a journey that will
test his courage, wisdom, and compassion.
In “Moonlight’s Grace” a young man goes to help his people
when a Midragardan raid strikes Gael. He seeks to prove his worth to the
chieftain whose daughter he loves with all his heart.
The novella-length “Winter’s Embrace” follows a warrior-monk
into the depths of dangerous woodlands in the heart of winter. There he will
find his faith tested in ways he never anticipated, when he must help a forest
witch against an enigmatic, immortal being known as the Undying.
“Lion Heart” introduces the heroic Sigananda of the Amazu
people, who must confront things that transcend the laws of the physical world
when powerful Wizards threaten his homeland.
In “Land of Shadow” a knight who is part of a band of
Avanoran mercenaries discovers how perilous the mysterious Shadowlands are when
they undertake a journey to locate a site to build a fortress.
A world of wonder beckons to be explored and fantasy
enthusiasts are invited along for the journey in these half-dozen stories from
the world of Ave!
Also be sure to take further adventures in Ave in the Fires
in Eden Series, beginning with Crown of Vengeance, Book One!
Amazon Links for Blood
and Steel: Legends of La Gaul, Volume 1
Print Version
Kindle Version
eBook formats:
Amazon Links for Chronicles of Ave, Volume 1
eBook formats:
Amazon Links for
Hellscapes, Volume 1
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Kindle Version
Other eBook formats:
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Omg publish the bizarro publish!!!!!! Or at least send it to me :)
This was a fun interview! Thanks! :)
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