I am absolutely thrilled to be a part
of this blog tour and even more excited that I have H. David Blalock here with a
guest post today. If you have not read anything by Blalock drop what you are
doing this instance and go and get one of his books or one of the anthologies
with a story of his in it. I know I get a little fangirlish but H. David Blalock is
by far one of the best writers I have ever read. Well Thank you Mr. Blalock for
being a guest. This blog tour is promoting Southern Haunts: Devils in the
Darkness and lets read what Mr. Blalock has to say about the horror tale of his
you can find in this anthology.
Why Did Jack Do It?
By H. David Blalock
Jack Tennant found his destiny when
he sailed into the dark swamps of Louisiana, but that destiny was nothing like what he
Jack in the Box, my story in Southern
Haunts 2, was inspired by several things. I had a story in the first Southern Haunts and was
delighted to receive an invitation to submit for this one.
The first source of inspiration, of
course, was the theme that the story had to be centered in the South. Hard to get around that one, since it
was the primary prerequisite for inclusion in the anthology. Most of my horror stories don't specify
their locations. Usually, pinning down the location lessens the impact of the story itself. It tends to
distance the reader from the events, giving them that extra bit of feeling of safety. However, I took that as a
challenge, to overcome that feeling of invulnerability.
Second was my fascination with the
mythology around the Louisiana swamps. I mention several of
them in the story but I wanted to use
them not as the central plot line but as the impetus for my main character to act. Each character in a
story needs a reason to do what they do, especially if what they do puts them in danger or places them in
extraordinary circumstances. In Jack in the Box, Jack Tennant's fascination with the tales of the
swamp is simply a mirror of my own.
However, his determination to find out the truth behind the
myths goes far beyond my own curiosity and enters into the realm of obsession.
Third, and most significant, I love
stories that have that shivery feeling you get when the lights are
out and something is roaming just outside
your ability to see it. It's a haunting feeling – the serpent in the high grass, the black widow in
the bedding. It's that certainty that something isn't quite what it should be and when you finally see it
you know you will be terrified but you're not quite there yet. Anticipation. Dread. What we call
"the willies". With Jack in the Box, I wanted to bring that feeling
to the reader. By taking them along with
Jack just so far then leaving them behind, I tease their interest without blatantly showing them the
truth. Doing so makes the reveal at the end just that much more powerful.
For me, the pinnacle of horror is not
the splash of gore or the screams of the murdered. Such things are horrible but not horrifying. True
horror, to me, is facing the unknown and being completely clueless how to handle it. Should you stay
still and hope whatever is there passes you by? Do you run and chance you can escape? Scream for
help that may not come in time? Fight back knowing you may not survive the battle? It is this kind
of feeling I hope to convey in this story and all my horror tales.

About the Editors: Louise Myers: Louise Myers was born in New Orleans. During her teenage
years, she was uprooted from everything she knew and was replanted in
Mississippi. Though the transition was difficult, she is grateful for this
change. She says this because she knows that both places are a world all to
their own. She is the wife of a wonderful husband and mother of three beautiful
children, as well as the proud parent of a spoiled mutt. She was assistant
editor for Southern Haunts: Spirits That Walk Among Us and was proud to be part
of The Southern Haunts Series once again. She is a beta reader, book doctor,
editor, and author. Though this is her first story in print, she has been
weaving tales for many years. With the gentle, yet firm, shove from a very
special person, she has decided to dive into the world of print. She has many thoughts
on several topics she’d like to write, mostly involving ghost stories.
Book Synopsis Southern Haunts Devils in the Darkness: From the fiery abyss of the
underworld comes 20 hellish tales from the south and southwest. Within these
charred pages are stories that will introduce you to the many demons that stay
hidden but are always nearby…
20 authors provide stories of
possessed people, objects, houses, highways, and the devil’s favorite
playground - the forest.
Dare to meet Deidless, a demon who is
a buyer of souls. Discover what kind of demons men can summon. Read of battles
between good and evil. Learn of ancient artifacts and stones that crave
sacrifice. Finally, become acquainted with legions of evil.
Again, we invite you, sit back, dim
the lights, and prepare yourself to meet the devils in the darkness.
Southern Haunts: Devils in the
Darkness is the next installment in the exciting anthology series that began
with Southern Haunts: Spirits That Walk Among Us.
Anthology and Editor Links:
Tour Schedule and Activities
May 26 I Smell Sheep Guest
May 26 Novel-ties Review
May 27 Deal Sharing Aunt Guest Post
May 28 Armand Rosamilia Guest Post
May 28 Book in the Bag Interview
May 29 Spellbindings Guest Post
May 29 Bees Knees Reviews Guest Post
May 30 Beauty in Ruins Guest Post
May 31 Vampires, Witches and Me Oh My! Guest Post
May 31 Sheila Deeth Blog Guest Post
Tour Page URL:
Tour Badge Html:
Amazon Links for Southern Haunts:
Devils in the Darkness
Print Version
Kindle Version
Thanks for including me! See you at Imaginarium.
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