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Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to Get your Book Reviewed - Giveaway

One of the fun things about reading and reviewing so many books is that I have been able to meet many new authors. Last week, I ran across this book "How To Get Your Book Reviewed" by Dana Lynn Smith. She has allowed me to read a copy and offer one as a giveaway as well. This book is a great resource for authors that helps explain how to connect...

Eve by Iris Johansen

By Melissa    Before there was my obsession to the paranormal/fantasy books, thanks to Twilight, but after my Nancy Drew/Sweet Valley phase (15 years ago), there was my murder mystery/suspense phase. During this time I read many, many books but had 3 favorite authors. Patricia Cornwell, Kathy Reichs and Iris Johansen. Now some of Iris' books can carry a slight paranormal undertone too, which is fine with me, but my favorite series of hers is the Eve Duncan series.    Anyone who has read this series knows that the main character,...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Edge of Grace

About Christa AllanA true Southern woman who knows that any cook worth her gumbo always starts with a roux and who never wears white after Labor Day, The Edge of Grace is Christa’s second novel. Her debut women’s fiction, Walking on Broken Glass, released in February from Abingdon Press. She is under contract for three more novels...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wild & Wicked Review

Wild & Wicked By Jenn Nixon About the book: Veronica Chance’s sister has gone missing. In order to find Valerie, “Roni” takes a waitressing job at Foxxes Gentlemen’s Club, the last place her sister worked, to search for clues. First day on the job, the club owner makes her give a lap dance to his VIP guest, Mr. Storm. Veronica’s instant...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Space Between Review and Giveaway (International)

About the Book: Sixteen-year old Anna Sullivan is having terrible dreams of a massacre at her school. Anna’s father is a mentally unstable veteran, her mother vanished when Anna was five, and Anna might just chalk the dreams up to a reflection of her crazy waking life — except that Tyler Marsh, the most popular guy at the school and Anna’s secret...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I just joined the blog as a reviewer, and I am pretty excited. I'm new to this, so you'll have to bare with me. I figured I would pop by and tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Kayla. I'm twenty-one, and just recently got engaged. I live in America, and am looking forward to reviewing books and getitng to know everyone. My favorite genres are paranormal romance and dystopian. Thank you for giving me a chance to review some great books and get some experien...

Book Editing and Review in One

In recently speaking to a writer/author we were discussing some grammatical errors in the book. She notified me the book had been sent out for editing. I was blown away by what the company had charged her. Do you feel you're paying a high amount for editing?! I can help. You can get a book edit and review in one for a fraction of the cost. My name is Melissa. I have done book editing before, I am the grammar police, and I can help you :) I have taken quite a few college courses in English and I have a healthy dose of OCD on my side. I will be...

Hi Bees Knees!

Hello Bees Knees Thank you so much for inviting me into your group.  I'm looking forward very much to participating and reviewing books. I'm British (but half-Italian!), living in Bristol in England. I have a husband, twin daughters, a grandson and two dogs.  I love cycling, skiing and of course reading. I haven't read a DTB since I bought my Kindle and don't go ANYWHERE (!!) without it! Lovely to meet you all. Ca...

The Devil's Bait Review

The Devil’s Bait By Jeffrey J. Mariotte About the book: Jessie Dawn Cutler is a relationship banker, a single woman in Manhattan, climbing the rungs of the high-finance ladder on her way to the top. Morgan Byrd is an aging mercenary soldier, suffering a crisis of conscience as profound as his bank account is low...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yesterday's Lies Book Review

Every once in awhile you find a book that just grabs you and won't let go. Those are the books that force you to "waste" your day away reading a book and doing almost nothing else. That, my friends, was this book. Cover to cover, I read it in 7 hours straight, and immediately wished I could contact the author to write more. The book starts out with...

Stanley Seagull Book Summary Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature. Cathy Mazur Born in Scranton, Pa., Cathy Mazur received a bachelor’s degree in Library Science from Mansfield State College and...

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Diviners by Julian White Review

About The Book: “The woman swam closer. She twinkled as the light passed through her. Her fingernails had smoky tips. Her body was young but her eyes and mouth were pockets of crow's feet ...” Four people in a small town find themselves persecuted in different ways by the same terrifying supernatural force. Karen was happily married – until...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Upside Review & Giveaway

I recently received a review copy of Upside: Surprising Good News About the State of Our World by Bradley Wright. Sometimes I hate to watch the news. It seems like the only things that are reported are the bad things. The more horrible a story, the more coverage it seems to get. Is the world really worse now than it was 20 years ago? Are we...

Friday, September 9, 2011

One Call Away Review

A successful Marine, Nurse, mother to 7 children, wife of a Super Bowl MVP, author and philanthropist..... Raising a special needs child, a cheating first husband, 2 parents lost in a tornado, 2 miscarriages... Which life would you choose? The first? the 2nd? - or both? Life for Brenda Carney Warner has been full of ups and downs and everything...

Hidden Threat Review

Hidden Threat By Sherri Hayes About the book: Cali Stanton has one goal in life, being a doctor. She does not intend to run the family business. But when her father gets injured and tells her that she’s the only one he trusts, Cali finds herself behind his desk at Stanton Enterprises...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dark Corners Review and Giveaway

Dark Corners By Liz Schulte About the book...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What The Publishing Revolution Means To Readers

by Kristen James At a very young age, I decided I would be an author and began not only writing but following the publishing industry. I subscribed to Writer’s Digest before high school and started my collection of writing and publishing “How To” books. Like most things, the publishing industry has drastically changed since I began following it in 1990, especially in the last few years. I’ve written quite a bit about what this means for authors in my book, Book Promoting 101, and the blog by the same name, but today I’m focusing on what all these...

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