Before You Go Blog Tour

Join HOLLOW TOURS for Before You Go By: Ella James! Feb12-18th!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Book Review by Melissa of The Jinx by D.F. Lamont

   Have you ever just had one of those really bad, terrible kind of days? What if that day turned you into a jinx? Stephen can thank the universe for the the really bad luck that effects him and all surrounding him in this Young Adult SciFi/Fantasy book. With a well thought out plot and good storyline this book will have you hoping the universe...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Call Me When You Land by Michael Schiavone

On the brink of her fortieth birthday, Katie Olmstead is in no mood to celebrate. Still tending bar to support a stalled art career, she continues to struggle with her temperamental teenage son, C.J., who wants less to do with her every day. When Katie gets word that C.J.'s estranged father has died and willed C.J. his Harley-Davidson, the gift quickly...

Stumbling Silly Blog Hop 10/24

Welcome to Stumbling Silly Blog Hop!  This Stumble Upon hop is hosted by Beauty Brite and Bee’s Knees Reviews.  The purpose of this hop is to bring traffic, comments, friendship, and finding new blogs through Stumble Upon. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Immortalis Carpe Noctem (Immortalis #1) by Katie Salidas

About the Book: Explore the emotional upheaval that is the transformation from human to vampire.Bleeding to death after brutal mugging on the campus of UNLV, Twenty-five year old Alyssa, is rescued by the cold and aloof, vampire, Lysander. Taking pity on her, he shares the gift-and curse-of immortality. She awakens as a vampire and is soon devastated...

A Sucker Born Every Minute by Lia Kane, Review by Melissa

   They say a sucker is born every minute, or in this case, a VAM infected person is born, creating a VAMP. In A Sucker Born Every Minute by Lia Kane you get the blood sucking storyline that is so popular these days but with an interesting, and incredibly well written, twist. The first book in a series, with the next book to be released...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tantric Zoo: A Bud Warhol Mystery Review

Tantric Zoo: A Bud Warhol Mystery By Rob Loughran About the book: Tantric Zoo begins at a tantric sex couples retreat in 1987. Amid the cavorting and indulging and groping and exploring one of the campers ends up dead. The surviving campers bury the body and return to their lives...

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Soul to Steal by Rob Blackwell (A Book Review by Melissa)

 Book reviewed by Melissa    Looking for a little spookiness to spice up your night, just in time for Halloween? Well I've found it. This is a book that had me afraid to walk my dogs one night. I've read numerous murder mysteries in my 20+ years of reading, but for some reason this one spooked me. It could be the time of year, the fact...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stumbling Silly Blog Hop 10/17

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Stumbling Silly Blog Hop"></a><br /> Welcome to Stumbling Silly Blog Hop!  This Stumble Upon centered hop is hosted by Beauty Brite and Bee’s Knees Reviews.  The...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dark Side of the Mirror by R.L. Austin

Reviewed by Melissa    There is a huge calling, since books like Twilight, or the House of Night series, for young adult books with a twist. Dark Side of the Mirror fits this category, but with a new type of story line. R.L. Austin introduces us to Emily, a fifteen year old who has to move from Manhattan to San Francisco. As if the move...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An American in Vienna by Chip Wagar

About The Book: Andy Bishop's quest begins promisingly when he leaves Columbus, Ohio, in 1914 after graduating from the University of Notre Dame. In Austria-Hungary, his goals are threefold: make contact with distant Austrian relatives, practice his nascent journalistic skills, and discover why his aristocratic ancestor, Matthias zu Windischgrätz,...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anne frank And me Book Review

Anne Frank And Me by Cheri Bennet and Jeff Gottesfeld  I have read this book a couple years ago and it still plays in my mind a lot. ever since the very first time I read The Diary Of Anne Frank, I wanted to know more about the  Holocaust. I don't think I have anyone in my family that was in the Holocaust,  but I have admiration and...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Winner of The Space Between

And The Winner Is......   ANN C.!!! Congrats to Ann and thank you to everyone who entered.  ...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

{Book Tour} The Dark Age Giveaway - Open WW

The Dark Age (Survivor of the Pulse) by Jeff W.  Horton About the book:Suppose you learned that an ancient prophecy about an artifact, said to be powerful enough to dramatically change the world, was true. Would you risk everything to find it? It has been five-hundred years since the Pulse caused the Great Collapse, ending the Golden Age,...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Book Review of Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita by Barbara Conelli

By Melissa    Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita is a book unlike any other I have ever read. I am a well rounded book lover and this book is, hands down, the most unique book I have ever read. It is a book that will satisfy your sense of travel, but leave you hungry for the food, fashion and character that Milan, Italy has to offer. Barbara...

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Soul to Steal Review

A Soul to Steal By Rob Blackwell About the book: You Are What You Fear Something is stalking the citizens of Loudoun County , Va. Is it the return of the notorious serial killer known as Lord Halloween? Or is it something worse—a figure that can cloak itself as your worst nightmare?...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

By the Time You Read This I'll Be Dead By Julie Anne Peters Review

About the book: Daelyn Rice is broken beyond repair, and after a string of botched suicide attempts, she’s determined to get her death right. She starts visiting a website for “completers”— she’s on the site, Daelyn blogs about her life, uncovering a history of bullying that goes back to kindergarten. When she’s not on the Web, Daelyn’s at her private school, where she’s known as the freak who doesn’t talk.Then, a boy named Santana begins to sit with her after school while she’s waiting to for her parents to pick...

Targets of Opportunity by Jeffrey S. Stephens Review

Targets of Opportunity by Jeffrey S. Stephens ReviewBook Description Gallery, August 2011Hardcover, 432 pagesISBN-10: 1451624328ISBN-13: 9781451624328 THE ENEMY HAS A THOUSAND WAYS TO STRIKE. WE HAVE JUST ONE WAY TO RETALIATE. HIS NAME IS JORDAN SANDOR. In Targets of Deception, which suspense master Robert K. Tanenbaum called "a fast-paced...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Book Review of Beatrice Munson by Lorena Bathey

By: Melissa    I try to my hardest to be sure that my reviews don't lean more towards men or women, so I'll apologize in advance because this review will be more female based. That being said, if you're a guy that does not mean you can't read this book and learn more about the female, and even male, psyche.    Lorena Bathey has...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vampires Rule By K.C. Blake

They don't call him Jackpot for nothing. Jack has always beat the odds... at least until now. When he was attacked by a werewolf, vampires saved him. When he got tired of living the vampire life, another werewolf attack freed him, making him human again. Now Jack just wants to live a normal life, but what's normal about a hunter girlfriend, a brother who wants to stake him to be on the safe side, and a head werewolf building an army to rule the world? I received this book through Bee's Knees Reviews. This is definitely a read for any/all...

Unsavory Delicacies by Russell Brooks

A three-course story collection with a side-order of revenge.For fans of Barry Eisler, Robert Ludlum, and Clive Cussler. Three short stories of suspense with unsavory results.Crème Brûlée—Rogue operative, Monique Beauvais, cons a software genius into selling her a coveted technology that would allow its user to control CIA drones while they’re in flight. And she will go as far as killing him in public in order to have it.To the Last Bite—A renowned food critic—whose scathing reviews have closed down restaurants—gets a savoury surprise.Shashlyk...

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